Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fourth of July Fishing Fun

Our friend's sailboat we enjoyed our fresh halibut and crab on!
The FIRST halibut in the U.S.S. Nana Dolly! Yes, it was caught by Katy!

What's on the end of that line??



Candid Camera said...

Yo Jesse, I hear you're taking me halibut fishing? I don't want to go if I can't look as cute as Katy does in her fishing gear. Since, that's impossible, I don't want any pictures taken of me, unless my fish weighs more than me. Ha Ha. I'm sure I'll be blowing chunks overboard to help everyone catch their limit. I'll be the good luck bobble-head. Can't wait to see you and meet everyone. Hope you're ready for me. Don't worry Jesse, I won't embarrass you. HA!
Love ya, Fawn-doo

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse! Nice fish and beautiful wife! Congratulations! We wish you the best and looks like there really was someone out there for you and she looks perfect in your arms!

Love you, The Bartlett's in Oregon!

Jesse's First Love

Jesse's First Love
2007 birthday catch on the Kenai River

Jesse's Second Love

Jesse's Second Love

And his third love!

And his third love!