Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Katy's Trip Home

It's officially getting REALLY close to wedding time, as Katy just drove home to Soldotna. Just a measley 5 hour ferry ride and 1,000 mile drive through 3 countries. The trip was sunny and beautiful, and the only casualities included a squirrel, one exhaust pipe, and a crack in the windshield. Either than that, Marsha loved stretching her legs on a stretch of road longer than 50 miles! One picture above includes the two studly body guards protecting her along the drive.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fourth of July Festivities

We hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend! Ours was spent with a spectacular midnight fireworks show in the blustery Alaskan weather, a parade filled with many celebraties, great fishing, and high caloric intake. We love those pulled pork sandwiches! Here are just a few of our favorite sightings....

Super Mario...Soapbox races...Midevil times...My dream man on a motorcycle...Orlando Bloom...Tlingit Elvis...Norwegian ancestors just off the boat...

Fourth of July Fishing Fun

Our friend's sailboat we enjoyed our fresh halibut and crab on!
The FIRST halibut in the U.S.S. Nana Dolly! Yes, it was caught by Katy!

What's on the end of that line??


Jesse's First Love

Jesse's First Love
2007 birthday catch on the Kenai River

Jesse's Second Love

Jesse's Second Love

And his third love!

And his third love!